Marco Rossi (Milano, 1956) is Professor of Medieval Art History at the Faculty of Letters and Philosophy of the Università Cattolica di Milano and Brescia since 2002. Moreover, since November 2011 he is Director of the Scuola di Specializzazione in Beni storico-artistici of this university. He is member of the professors’ college of the PhD in Research in Philosophic, Artistic, Archaeological and Theatre Disciplines of the Università Cattolica of Milano. He is visiting Professor at the University San Tichon of Moscow and scientific responsible of the PRIN Research Unity “Committenze ecclesiastiche di libri miniati a Milano nei secoli XIII e XIV”. Previously, he had been researcher at the Università Cattolica di Milano from 1985 to 2002, and responsible of the Lombard Art History course at Brescia from 1994 to 2000.

He obtained the Grade in Modern Letters, with the speciality of Art History, at the Università Cattolica di Milano (1980), and he improved his formation at the Istituto per la Storia dell’Arte Lombarda, where he was awarded for his grade these. He obtained several fellowships CNR for research at prestigious international centres as the Biblioteca Hertziana, the Warburg Institute and the Bibliothèque Nationale de France.
He has focused on research of the European International Gothic, with several researches and publications about the workshop of the Duomo of Milano, as well as the miniature at the Visconti Court and the development of the personality of Giovannino de Grassi. He has developed iconographical research on the subjects of the Apocalypse and the Last Supper, and on the medieval and renaissance painting in Lombardy. He has studied the Lombard Romanesque architecture and painting. In the last years, he has been concentrated in the early medieval figurative culture in Southern Italy, taking into account the frescoes of Castelseprio and Galliano, together with Episcopal patronage.

He is the author of the following books: Pittura in Alto Lario tra Quattro e Cinquecento, Milano 1988; Il Cenacolo di Leonardo. Cultura domenicana, iconografia eucaristica e tradizione lombarda, Milano 1988; Disegno storico dell’arte lombarda, Milano 1990; Giovannino de Grassi. La corte e la cattedrale, Milano 1995; La Rotonda di Brescia, Milano 2004; Galliano pieve millenaria, Sondrio 2008; Milano e le origini della pittura romanica lombarda. Committenze episcopali, modelli iconografici, maestranze, Milano 2011.

He is also the author of over a hundred and fifty articles that have been published in specialised reviews (Arte Lombarda, Les Cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa, Rivista di Storia della miniatura, Mélanges de l’Ecole française de Rome), congresses acts, miscellaneous volumes and exhibition catalogues.

He is member of the Scientific Committée of Rivista di Storia della miniatura, Arte Lombarda and Nuovi Annali. Rassegna di studi e contributi per il Duomo di Milano. He is member of the Associazione Italiana degli Storici dell’Arte Medievale, the Società internazionale di Storia della Miniatura, the l’Ente Raccolta Vinciana, the l’Accademia di San Carlo and the l’Ateneo di Brescia, and scientific consultor of the Pinacoteca Ambrosiana.


  • ROSSI, M., “Il libro di preghiere dell’arcivescovo di Milano Arnolfo II (998-1018)”, G. MARIANI; A. PERRICCIOLI (Ed.), Il Codice Miniato Europa. Libri per la chiesa, per la città, per la corte, Padova, 2014. [PDF]
  • ROSSI, M., “Committenze e iconografie episcopali a Milano dalle antiche cattedrali al duomo”, a Ars Auro Gemmisque Prior. Mélanges en hommage à Jean-Pierre Caillet, Zagreb, 2013. [PDF]
  • ROSSI, M., “Les patronages d’Ariberto da Intimiano et la peinture lombarde au début du XIe siècle”, Les Cahiers de Saint-Michel de Cuxa , 2009, p. 251-261.
  • ROSSI, M., “Le pitture murali di Galliano : l’orizzonte internazionale e il contesto lombardo”, Arte Lombarda, 156 (2009), 2, p. 7-18. [PDF]
  • ROSSI, M., “Committenze episcopali milanesi nella cultura figurativa tra X e XI secolo: esempi, ipotesi, problemi”, QUINTAVALLE, A. C., (ed.),Medioevo: i committenti, Atti del Convegno internazionale (Parma, 21-26 setembre 2010), Milano, 2011, p. 339-351. [PDF]
  • ROSSI, M., Milano e le origini della pittura romanica lombarda. Committenze episcopali, modelli iconografici, maestranze, Milano, 2011.