Joan Molina (Girona, 1965) is Titular Professor of Medieval Art at the Universitat de Girona since 1997. From his period as pre-doctoral fellowship to the actual moment he has achieved several study stays in national and international research centers as the Warburg Institut of London (1993), the Biblioteca Hertziana of Rome (1995 and 1999), the École Française of Rome (2002) and the Kunsthistorisches Institut of Florence (2009).
After an initial period in which he was focused on the study of the Catalan Late Gothic iconography, that is the main object of his doctoral thesis and of some of his articles, he has moved to the study of the first period of the Gothic cathedral of Girona. Nowadays, he is doing research on the relations between art and power at the Neapolitan Court of Alphonse the Magnanimous.
He is the autor of the books Arte, devoción y poder en la pintura tardogótica catalana Murcia: Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Murcia, 1999 and Fragments de l’art gòtic a Girona, Girona, Diputació de Girona, 2008.
In addition, he has been the curator of the exhibitions Bernat Martorell i la tardor del gòtic català, Museu d’Art de Girona, 2003 and Joan Margarit i la seva època, Girona, Fundació Caixa de Girona, 2006.
He has published almost forty articles in national and international reviews, as well in congress acts and miscellaneous publications.
- MOLINA, J., “Iconos marianos, leyendas y monarquía en la Corona de Aragón (s. XIII-XV)”, Hortus Artium Medievalium 20 (2014), II, pp. 209-217[PDF]
- MOLINA, J., “Sotto il segno d’Oriente. La monarchia catalano-aragonese e la ricerca del sacro nelle terre del levante mediterraneo”, Representations of Power at the Mediterranean Borders of Europe (12th-14th Centuries). Edited by I. Baumgärtner, M. Vagnoni and M. Welton, Firenze, SISMEL – Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2014, p. 71-90 [PDF]
- MOLINA, J., “Rhétoriques visuelles et débats historiographiques autour de la Naples angevine”, Perspective. Revue de l’INHA, 1-2 (2010-2011), p. 123-131. [PDF]
- MOLINA, J., “Il factotum della cattedrale. Arnau de Montrodon e la nuova sede gotica di Girona (1312-1347)”, Medioevo: I commitenti. XIII Convegno Internazionali di Studi (Parma 21-26 septiembre 2010), Parma, 2011, p. 525-546. [PDF]
- MOLINA, J., “Contra Turcos. Alfonso d’Aragona e la retorica visiva della crociata”, La battaglia nel Rinascimento meridionale. Moduli narrativi tra parole e immagini, Rome, 2011, p. 97-110. [PDF]
- MOLINA, J., “Il trono in fiamme del re. La metamorfosi arturica di Alfonso il Magnanimo”, Rassegna Storica Salernitana, 56 (2011), p. 11-44.
- MOLINA, J., “La mèmoria de les pedres. Fundació i esplendor d’un convent dominicà a la Girona baixmedieval”, La universitat de Girona, Girona, 2011, p. 165-189. [PDF]
- Molina, J. “Gli artisti del re nel Trecento Aragonese”,Annali della Scuola Superiore Normale di Pisa Serie IV, 16 (2008) pp. 193-213. [PDF]