Jorba Valero, Montse


Montse Jorba Valero (Terrassa, 1952) its member of the Board of Trustees of the Tobella Archive Foundation of Terrassa. Is graduated in History of Art from the Autonomous University of Barcelona (2011), where she also studied the Master’s Degree in Analysis and Management of Artistic Heritage (2012).

Her investigation mainly focuses on the study of the connections between the Romanesque art and the Byzantine world during the Middle Ages. In that sense, she has participated in several conferences about the subject, of which we can highlight the most recent: “XXII Romanesque Art seminar” (Amics de Besalú, 2013); “III meeting about Romanesque Art of AdR  in Catalonia and Andorra” (Amigos del Románico, 2016);  and “The Catalan majesties” (Amics del Romànic de Sabadell, 2016).

Currently, she works as a writer of the Girona Province volumes of the Romanesque Encyclopedia, edited by Santa María la Real Foundation (Work in progress). Also, she is the author of her new book “Les Majestats de la Cerdanya”, in the context of the research line started with her final Master’s Degree Project.


JORBA, M., Les Majestats de la Cerdanya, Edicions Salòria, La Seu d’Urgell, 2017.

JORBA, M., “Les Majestats de la Cerdanya: tipologia iconogràfica i filiació estilística”, Síntesi 2, Catalunya i la Mediterrània: circulació d’artistes, objectes i models, Quaderns dels Seminaris de Besalú, núm. 2, 2014, pp. 107 – 128. [PDF]

JORBA, M., et alt., Catàleg de la Col·lecció de Carrosses Fúnebres: cementiris de Barcelona, Ajuntament de Barcelona, 2013.