Cèsar Favà (Tortosa, 1980) has a degree in Art History at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (2002), where he obtained the Diploma d’Estudis Avançats with the dissertation El naixement i la difusió del culte al Corpus Christi a la Corona d’Aragó i les seves conseqüències artístiques. El cas del Retaule del Cos de Crist de Vilafermosa, directed by María Luisa Melero.

He taught at the Art Department of the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, as assistant professor (2004-2009). Since 2009 he works as assistant curator at the Gothic Departament of the Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya (MNAC), where he is involved in several exhibition projects such as Catalunya 1400.

He is currently preparing a PhD on the Iconography of the Corpus Christi to the catalano-Aragonese Crowndirected by Anna Orriols. His main research field is Catalan gothic painting. He has published in national and international journals and he has also contributed to several exhibition catalogues and books on the MNAC’s Gothic collections.

He has participated in some research projects such as Modelos, influencias e intenciones en el arte de Aragón y Navarra de los siglos X-XIII(HUM2006-12475).


  • FAVÀ, C., Noves consideracions entorn del joc de retaule i frontal de Vallbona de les Monges”, Butlletí del Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya,10 (2009), p. 57-85. [PDF]
  • FAVÀ, C., CORNUDELLA, R., “Els retaules de Tobed i la primera etapa dels Serra”, Butlletí del Museu Nacional d’Art de Catalunya, 11 (2010), p. 63-89. [PDF]
  • FAVÀ, C., “La Mare de Déu dels Àngels de Tortosa i el seu pas per l’àmbit privat”, Porticvm. Revista d’Estudis Medievals, II (2011), p. 68-88.[PDF]