Carletti, Lorenzo
Lorenzo Carletti has a deep knowledge of historiographic artistic sources, especially about the 17th/18th centuries artistic literature in Germany and Italy; not less on Vasari’s “Vite” and on the 16th century Italian artistic literature in general. Recently he studied the organization of Medieval and Renaissance Art Exhibitions during the Fascist regime alla around Europe and in the US. His several researches on Medieval art in Central Italy spread on wooden and marble sculpture, religious architecture and panel paintings from painted Crosses to Byzantine icons, with a special attention to the artistic relationships between the different cultures within the Mediterranean area.
He is specialized in the Early history and decoration of the Cathedral of Pisa and its surrounding monuments, and he studied their modification through the centuries. He has deeply investigated the Medieval fresco and the other paintings’ techniques, working for about fifteen years with restorers of the Opera della Primaziale Pisana (Pisa) and of the Opificio delle Pietre Dure (Firenze). So he has a good experience about the restoration and conservation of works of art, particularly those of the Camposanto monumentale in Pisa.
- CARLETTI – F. POLACCI, Transition between Life and Afterlife: Analyzing The Triumph of Death in the Camposanto of Pisa, in «Signs and Society», vol. 2, 1, 2014, pp. 84-120, segnatamente pp. 90-106 ISSN 2326-4489; E-ISSN 2326-4497 [PDF]
- CARLETTI, Sculture erratiche pisane: una schedatura giovanile di Enzo Carli, in A. CALECA (ed.), Lo storico dell’arte ben temperato: studi in memoria di Enzo Carli, Pisa, (Pacini editore), 2013, pp. 119-190 ISBN: 978-88-6315-502-0 [PDF]
- CARLETTI – C. GIOMETTI (eds.), Le due facce della Croce. Giunta Pisano tra un profumiere ebreo e le leggi di Bottai, Pisa 2012 ISBN: 978-88-4673-388-7 [PDF]
- CARLETTI, L’Alto Medioevo; Gli Strumenti; I reimpieghi; Opere nobilissime, mirabili e preziose; Di pietra e d’acqua; Ricordi d’oltremare; Tra maestri lombardi e scultori greci; Lavori di commesso e tarsie, in L. CARLETTI – C. GIOMETTI (eds.), Pietre vecchie ma non antiche. Compendio di scultura medievale pisana fino all’età di Giotto, Pisa 2010, pp. 21-89. ISBN: 978-88-6315-240-1
- CARLETTI, Risalendo la corrente: sulle tracce dell’arte medievale, in L. CARLETTI (ed.), Viaggio pittorico a Bientina e dintorni, Pisa 2008, pp. 13-47. [PDF]
- CARLETTI – C. GIOMETTI, Un “Crocifisso doloroso” ma non troppo. Il caso di Santa Maria a Monte, in Ibidem, pp. 48-51; Tra tardogotico e primo Rinascimento: due opere di confine a Montecarlo di Lucca, in Ibidem, pp. 52-55. ISBN: 978-88-7781-932-1